Browsing All posts tagged under »Bloggers«

“Fame Monster: Bloggers”

May 14, 2010


In my previous post I could only feature homages to two of my favourite and most relevant blogs. So, here are the honourable mentions. 1. Style Rookie Perhaps I should have created a single post to worship at the alter of Tavi, the Style Rookie. She is the 14 year old fashion blogger who took […]

“Niche Blog-spiration”

May 7, 2010


“Oh to be a famous fashion blogger…” she sighed. This statement, as the growing blogosphere can certainly attest, is one that’s being increasingly uttered by wannabe fashion bloggers around the world. Since the mid-2000s fashion blogging of all forms has taken off. Be it street style, subject specific (bags, shoes, denim, ties…), personal style diaries, […]