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“Look In The Mirror: It’s My Reflection”

June 2, 2010


So we’ve come to the end of the blogging road and to commemorate (or perhaps celebrate) this momentous occasion I thought I’d compile a list of things I’ve learnt from my short tenure in the blogosphere. 1. You need time…lots and lots of time Since starting this blog I realised just how much time and […]

“Hello, Is There Anybody In There?”

May 30, 2010


The fashion world is notoriously cliquey; when you’re in it, you’re in it but if you fall from grace you can just as easily be out of it. Since the rise of the internet and blogs, however, much of the fashion industry’s allure has been eroded – that is to say, fashion has been democratised. […]

“Who Am I? Really. (And Full Disclosure)”

April 20, 2010


As much as I’m sure Anna Wintour, leader of the free (fashion) world and Editor in Chief of American Vogue, would have the time to start and maintain a WordPress blog…  …this is, of course, NOT Anna Wintour nor in any way affiliated with the Anna Wintour. Full disclosure aside: I am, rather, a mere […]